How to unblock a badly blocked drain?
How to Unblock a Badly Blocked Drain? So, your drain's backed up, and it's causing quite the inconvenience. You might wonder where to start and what steps can effectively tackle the blockage. First, you'll want to identify whether the issue lies in a localized drain or the main sewer line. Common culprits could be hair, grease, or debris, and slow drainage or unpleasant odors are telltale signs. With the right tools, like a plunger and a drain snake, you can address most blockages yourself. But what if simple methods don't work? Let's explore some practical solutions you might not have considered yet. Identify the Blockage To effectively clear your drain, you'll first need to identify the location and cause of the blockage. Start by running water in the affected sink, tub, or toilet. Observe where the water backs up. If it's just one fixture, the problem is likely localized. If multiple fixtures are affected, the blockage might be in the main sewer line. N...